Although participants in this forum perceive themselves as social entrepreneurs, or agents of change in society, they are still divided by other boundaries of identity such as gender, geography, religious beliefs and age. This is a crucial component to Appiah’s Cosmopolitanism model because The Social Edge’s forum acts to emphasize what unites the participants, rather than what divides them. Out of the 16 contributors to the conversation, 11 were men and 5 were woman. Furthermore, due to advancements in technology like high-speed Internet and live online chat, people are no longer limited to their physical sphere of residence in the constant exchange and
Cited: "About « Skoll Foundation." Skoll Foundation. Web. 06 Oct. 2010. . "Community Guidelines — Social Edge." By Social Entrepreneurs, For Social Entrepreneurs® — Social Edge. Web. 06 Oct. 2010. . "Cosmopolitanism." Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. Comp. Barclay Barrios. By Kwame Anthony Appiah. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. Print. "Do We Really Need More Money? — Social Edge." By Social Entrepreneurs, For Social Entrepreneurs® — Social Edge. Web. 06 Oct. 2010. . "Piaget 's Genetic Epistemology." Marxists Internet Archive. Web. 06 Oct. 2010. . "Piaget 's Genetic Epistemology." Marxists Internet Archive. Web. 06 Oct. 2010. . "What Is Social Edge? — Social Edge." By Social Entrepreneurs, For Social Entrepreneurs® — Social Edge. Web. 06 Oct. 2010. .