“What is bothering you?” Mr.Cooke asked Khumba, since it was obvious that he was perturbed. Khumba explained to Mr.Cooke how his friend brought his attention to his bad habits. “Do you want to change?” Mr.Cooke.”Of course, but it has very hard for me.” Khumba replied. “Well… changing takes a lot of effort and time. It may seem like your attitude is not improving, but those close to you will see.” Mr.Cooke elaborated. “Why are you willing to change?” Khumba lowered his chin. “I want friends. I want people to like me, and I know everyone isn’t going to like me. I need to work on myself. I can’t expect for people to like me, when I don’t like myself.” Mr.Cooke could tell that Khumba really wanted to try to be a better person. “I can help you, but this more ofs a mindset goal. You’re going to have to work at this by yourself, even when I’m not around. It’s not an on and off thing. Please be committed to change, or all this work will be for nothing.” Mr.Cooke implied. “Okay, when do we begin?” Khumba asked, hoping it wouldn’t take as Mr.Cooke said.
“What is bothering you?” Mr.Cooke asked Khumba, since it was obvious that he was perturbed. Khumba explained to Mr.Cooke how his friend brought his attention to his bad habits. “Do you want to change?” Mr.Cooke.”Of course, but it has very hard for me.” Khumba replied. “Well… changing takes a lot of effort and time. It may seem like your attitude is not improving, but those close to you will see.” Mr.Cooke elaborated. “Why are you willing to change?” Khumba lowered his chin. “I want friends. I want people to like me, and I know everyone isn’t going to like me. I need to work on myself. I can’t expect for people to like me, when I don’t like myself.” Mr.Cooke could tell that Khumba really wanted to try to be a better person. “I can help you, but this more ofs a mindset goal. You’re going to have to work at this by yourself, even when I’m not around. It’s not an on and off thing. Please be committed to change, or all this work will be for nothing.” Mr.Cooke implied. “Okay, when do we begin?” Khumba asked, hoping it wouldn’t take as Mr.Cooke said.