Tupac starts the song with a very clear statement “I’m tired of bein’ poor and, even worse, I’m black” that announces what the song’s is going to talk about. In a decade where police brutality in Afro-American neighbourhood was a real debate, Tupac claims “Cops give a damn about a negro, Pull the trigger, kill a nigga, he’s a hero”. Problems are never far from you in these communities even for the younger “Give the crack to the kids, who the hell care? One less hungry mouth on the welfare!”. In this song, Tupac seems to put the fault on the system that doesn’t help them in any way. These inequalities are necessary to keep the American system on track. As an example, the singer says “First ship’em dope and let’em deal to brothers. Give ‘em guns, take a step back, watch them kill each other”. In the second verse, Tupac puts more accent on racism “I see no changes, all I see is racist faces. Misplaced hate makes disgrace to races”. Overall, lyrics undoubtedly shows the presence of an ethical issue and the author protest by saying that things need to change all along the song “We gotta start makin’ changes, learn to see me as a brother instead of two distant strangers”.…