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Discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably because of their racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. Jane Elliott decided to use role-play a situation portraying the discrimination that a person of different colour would be constantly exposed to in day-to-day life.…
Sometimes we think that our plans must lead down a better road, or that God must not love us enough to protect us from this pain we feel, but God actually uses the painful experiences to further develop our character. Vivian Thomas could have given up when it became too discouraging, but instead he persevered and became an inspiration to many people. During times that are hard, God teaches us more about life, ourselves, and most importantly, about Him. Sometimes it is even necessary to go through a difficult time before we are able to realize the ways in which we need to grow and…
My grandfather passed away and it sent my family and i into a turmoil. It was so sudden and fast we knew we had to prepare for our future without him. That day was the first day ever that my whole family and I sat in silence. No conversations, No cracking jokes or laughter, just silence. It was a day of sadness, but as the strong family we are, we lifted each other up and we accepted it and we made a promise to each other that we would never leave each other's sides. That day made me realize how much our family is united and this day put our strength to the test and we didn't let it break us. It actually brought us even…
The study of God's chesed has invoked in me feelings of comfort, reassurance, and tranquility. Learning about God's commitment to humanity has brought me to the realization that I will never be alone. No matter how far I stray from the path of righteousness, God will always be at the end of the pathway to welcome me with open arms and forgive me from my mistakes. The Lord knows that I cannot be perfect. So if there ever arises an instance where I cannot fulfill what God has asked of me, I know that He will show mercy on…
For instance, during my 8th grade year my best friend succumbed to juvenile Diabetes and passed away in her sleep. If it was not for the hope that delving into God’s word granted me, I cannot imagine how I would have handled the situation. I read many comforting scriptures, most notably John 14:1-3…
I never thought me, of all people, would experience such a sorrowful day. I have tried to forget it time and time again; but the reality is I will always remember every miniscule detail, moment, word, and facial expression on that particular day. My heart managed to shatter into a million pieces, leaving me without a reason to pursue my existence. My salty tears freely rolled down my warm cheeks, causing my eyes to burn sensationally. I remember mourning on the comforting shoulders of my family members, as they too were consumed by their feelings. The most valuable lesson that beared a reservation in my spirit was to cherish every moment and loved one, for tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. I wish I could have fathom this reality before the climactic tragedy struck me like a ton of bricks. Although death is normal, it seemed almost foreign when it abducted the life of my favorite uncle.…
My family aboard the boat began to worry for one another safety. We were now in a life-threatening storm on the midst of a furious river. I observed the innocence of a child in my niece as the depressing look of fear surrounded her shivering, cold, wet body. Yet, she remained hopeful and prayed to God for eternal life in Heaven. We cried out desperate prayers while the raging storm pounded our pontoon boat like a boxing match. My grandfather maintained the courage and strength and proceeded to steer the boat in the horrific scene.…
This summer, I was blessed with an amazing experience. I had the opportunity to travel to Haiti on a mission trip. Of course, I was slightly nervous about traveling to a third world country, where I did not know the language, and the only people I would know would be the people from the church that I was traveling with. However, I knew this would be a life changing experience, so I took the leap! I am so grateful I did because every second was worth it! Our mission was to work with orphans, help homeschool English speaking children, and meet with the women’s group of Grand Savann Christian Church.…
I woke up feeling physically, mentally exhausted from the day before, packaging meat and cleaning crates for Second Harvest Food Pantry. We sorted and pack meat. I did not think I could look at meat ever again. We then had to cleaned crates, after crates of what use to have food in them. It was a new day, and we had to return back to work. My mission group and I were going to River Food Pantry. I had no clue what to expect. I finally learned we would be serving homeless people. The only thought that crossed my mind was I would be serving dirty, lonely people, but I later found out that I was wrong.…
|terrified but knew from my spiritual belief system how to pray for a human that was dying. I prayed with my patient and watched as he slipped into a coma then |…
A dozen squealing, laughing little girls tugged my arms, legs and hands. They were so excited to show me their bedroom. Meeting all the orphans at the Colima, Mexico orphanage was very overwhelming and very emotional. At first, I felt very out of place, like seeing grass during a Michigan winter. All these kids surrounding me right now have no families and have nobody to love them. These kids were all beautiful in their own way and really knew how to make you smile without even trying.They were like flowers in a rundown parking lot. Beautiful but with a dark, sad background. Everytime they looked at you, you could see the excitement in their eyes.…
Throughout my 13 years I have been through so far, I have thankfully not experienced losing someone really close to me, losing a prized possession, etc. Everyone hopes these things will never happen, but I know one day I will, even when trying to avoid them, it’s impossible. However, there was one moment that made me realize all the grateful things I already have around me. This day, was Thanksgiving day of 2012, in Central Park, Pasadena, when I was helping out at a little event for the homeless.…
Two weeks later, my family and I were invited to attend a church in Greenville called NewSpring. I had not been to church in months, and I didn’t have a reason not to go, so we went. As I sat through the sermon, I was completely blown away. The preacher talked about the things I had heard all growing up, but in a way I had never thought of till that moment. He spoke of a man who left a place of glory and perfection, a place with no tears, no pain or suffering, and died on a cross to pay for the things that I had done. I was speechless. From that moment on, I knew what I could hope for. I had hope that there is a place that I will one day be in that is much better than this world will ever be. I knew at that moment that the hope I knew about was going to change my life forever. It was real hope.…
In February, just a few months before, my family and I found out my mom had a brain tumor. Even though it wasn't cancerous, it still took a toll on everybody. My mother was, and still is, a caring, hard working person. She always did everything she could to give my brother and I the best life. Knowing that she had to have brain surgery, something that could take her life, was horrifying.…
As I sat on the hospital bed, I just wanted to relax. I didn’t want to hear anybody. I couldn’t hear the bustle and hustle in the hall way or all the screams and cries outside my door. All I saw and knew was that I was holding the greatest significant gift from God. What I felt was total recognition unconditional love and complete trust. In my heart that very instant I realized, everything I needed to know about love and life. How honored I was that God trusted me this much, that He knew I would guide and love this little human being till my very last day. I was tired and overwhelmed with many emotions. As I watched my baby sleep my mind was spinning like crazy to think how I could better my life. There I was making all these resolutions how I was going to live my life. All of sudden the normal life I thought I had was actually completed by this new addition to the family.…