ideal citizen from just a regular citizen? These questions tend to create a lot of debate. To some,
an ideal citizen might be viewed as someone who is well educated, well mannered, and a proud
American. While to others, an ideal citizen may be viewed entirely differently. To help shed
some light on the topic, we have comprised an ideal way of tackling these tough questions at
hand. In order to define the ideal citizen we must first break down the characteristics and
attributes that one must attain to be the ideal citizen. We concluded that the characteristics can be classified into three major groups: economical, intellectual, and social, from there we
selected the most desired traits relating to the specific classifications.
Our group believes that it is up to the public school systems of America to produce the ideal
citizen. By the time one graduates from highschool they should attain at least some of these
characteristics. Although it is not realistic for everyone to be the “ideal citizen”, hopefully
by working together, we can still create the ideal America.
With our country continuously digging itself into an economical ditch of depression, it
only makes sense that we need to keep instilling into the youth of America how to be an
economical citizen. With so many outside distractions and influences kids have to deal with while
growing up today; public schools are having to work twice as hard to get through to
students. This is scary to thought for the future of the United States, which has been left in their hands.
Only through developing skills of organization, persistence, leadership, and discipline, will the
youth of America be able to step up and save us from this downward spiral. It is a large task but
not impossible; especially with the public school systems of America working around the clock,