The Introduction.
1.Our world is full of trouble.
2.Meaning of ‘Happy Life’ or ‘Happy World.’
3.We can have a happy or a ideal life.if we have perfect peace in society and in the world.
If human beings have enough changes of making progress;if human beings are prosperous (Successful and Happy) in all parts of society or the world; if there is perfect Justice every where.
4.The people and the government should try to work for real progress and happiness.
5.The Conclusion.It is very difficult ,though not impossible,to have a really happy world.
This world of ours is full of troubles.These troubles or evils are of many kinds.Million of human beings,in different parts of the world,are facing poverty,disease,injustice,inequality,war, and so on.
A happy life or a happy world is one in which a person lives in comfort and in happy and satisfied.
This means he has enough income to satisfy his needs and to enjoy the comforts of life.In addition ,he is happy with his condition in life and enjoys satisfaction of the heart.The entire world would be happyif we have good condition of living in every country or society.
Firstly there should be peace.People should decide to settle all their problems or disputes in peaceful ways.They should try to settle them through discussion or through courts of law,but never by use of force .
So also,countries should try to settle their disputes through conferences and meetings between their rulers or goverments.They should approach world organization like the UN for the settlement of their disputes. Secondly Human. beings should have enough chances of manking progress in all possible ways.If a person has proper qualifications for a profession ,he should be able to work and progress in it.He should be able to get a job easily .He should get enough pay according to the work he does(as he does it).It should be possible for all human beings to get properly educated and to improve their knowledge .
Thirdly, Human beings at all places and in all parts of the world shold be prosperous.This means that they should have enough money to spend ,proper houses to live and fine clothes to wear.
Parents should be able to get their children eduvated and trained suitable.Old people should have proper incomes or pensions after their retirements from work.Ill people should be able to buy medicines or have effective medical treatment in hospitals.
Fourthly, We should have perfect justice every where.The rights of every one should be safe and none should be allowed to trouble others in any way.All should be equal be before the law. The life of all human beings can be truly happy if they try to make it so.All should decide to work hard.The people and the government should work together for common social and national aims.The UN should make real effort to establish world peace. It should provide aid to poor or developing countries as much as possible.The advanced countries should help the developing countries through the UN or directly , but not for political purposes.
It is,no doubt, very difficult to make our world happy.However ,it may not be impossible to do so.Let us decide to have peace ,progress,prosperity and justice every where .
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