1. Introduction to the film
2. Business Law 1. Stakeholders in general 2. Example Case of Global Warming 3. Plaintiff 4. Defendant 5. Five stages of the case
3. Ethical and moral dilemma? 1. Ethical perspective from the ethical decision making toolkit 1. Friedman’s free market ethics 2. Utilitarianism: Assessing Consequences 3. Deontology: Rights and Duties 4. Virtue Ethics: Habits of Goodness 5. Ethics of Care
4. Corporations- concern about global warming around the world 1. Conducting business in the future 2. Green friendly programs evidence of the cause 3. Bill that penalizes greenhouse-gas emitters
5. Contract standpoint 1. Quasi – Contracts 2. Difference in Contract and Quasi – Contract 3. Social breach of contract
6. Torts stance 1. Duty 2. Breach of duty 3. Cause of harm 4. Proximate cause- contributing factor that actually caused injury 5. Damages
7. Marketing and Technology: Choice and manipulation 1. Advertising Industry- self regulating 2. Standards of Practice
8. Intellectual property 1. Intellectual property rights disregarded for global warming 2. A need for international intellectual property rights
An Inconvenient Truth- A Global Warning
The documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth, is presented by former United States Vice President Al Gore and its main purpose is to provide awareness to the human race about global warming and its negative effects on the world. The film earned $49 million at the box office world wide, making it the fourth highest grossing documentary in the United States. The film focuses on Al Gore and his travels in support of his efforts to educate the public about the severity of the climate changes. The documentary combines Al Gore's discovery of data, predictions regarding climate change, and