An inspector calls
1) Find 3 quotations that show how characters change from Victorian to modern mortality
“What an expression Shelia! Really the things you girls pick up these days!”
“I think Shelia and I had better go into the drawing-room and leave you men”
“Why the devil do you want to go upsetting the child like that?”
2) How would a modern day audience have responded to the characters/ the play?
A modern day audience would be very shocked by the characters behaviour and actions within the play. A modern day audience would be surprised by the strong views men held regarding women and their rights. In the Victorian times, there were various rules about jewellery, who to talk to – when and where, who to dance with, and how and when to speak. Women were expected to be submissive to men and not to speak with their own voice. Women upheld the highest morals in the Victorian times.
A modern day audience would also be surprised about the equality between men and women. Men were seen as dominant leaders who were expected to support the family and respect women. They were expected to sometimes experience drinking/sex but this was to remain chaste. We can see this from the play when Eric’s drinking problem was brought up and Mr Birling said ‘We do not need to know about this.’
In the Victorian times there was a high sense of mortality especially in the company of others. Things such as, smoking, drinking and sexual activity was frowned upon.
And young adults such as Shelia and Eric were treated as children. We can see this from the numerous times Shelia refers to her mother ‘mummy’.
The generation has ostensibly changed. A modern day audience would be very astonished at the way the Victorians acted compared to what is socially acceptable in our generation. Although a modern day audience would be surprised by an inspector calls and the high sense of mortality they held, they would also find the play entertaining as it is a