CHAPTER OBJECTIVES When they have read this chapter, students will: ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶
appreciate the growing internationalisation of the world in which HRM is conducted understand the additional complexity of HRM in an international context be able to describe the key features of the three main approaches to IHRM be able to identify some of the key HR challenges facing organisations working internation- ally know the format of the rest of the book.
This chapter starts with a general introduction to the text – it outlines the dual objectives of the text: ¶ to give readers a better understanding of international HRM in a way that will help them as practitioners ¶ and, for those who are concerned, to help them get through the International Personnel and Development element of the CIPD Standards. The first section explains what is new about this latest edition of the book. The next section (Key trends) considers the background of the growth of international business and the implications for HRM. The third section (International HRM) outlines the importance of countries and presents the three main approaches to IHRM: cultural, comparative and international. In so doing it explores the differences between domestic and international HRM for practitioners. The final section of this chapter (An outline of the book) provides a guide to the other chapters in the book. LEARNING ACTIVITY ¶ From your experience and study of the subject, what do you consider to be the key elements of ‘best practice’ in HRM? ¶ To what extent can these be applied on a global level? (Identify the reasons underlying your arguments.)
The aim of this text remains the same: to help you explore the meaning and implications of the concepts of international and comparative human resource management. We do not assume that there is only one 1
A free sample from International
References: Boxall, P (1995) ‘Building the theory of comparative HRM’, Human Resource Management Journal, . 5 (5): 5–17 Brewster, C. J. and Larsen, H. H. (2000) Human Resource Management in Northern Europe. Oxford, Blackwell Brewster, C. and Lee, S. (2006) ‘HRM in not-for-profit international organisations: different, but also alike’, in H. H. Larsen and W. Mayrhofer (eds) European Human Resource Management. London, Routledge CIPD (2002) Globalising HR. London, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Economist (2000a) ‘Special report: A survey of globalisation and tax’, The Economist, 354 (8155), 29 January: 1–18 9 A free sample from International Human Resource Management 2nd Edition by Chris Brewster, Paul Sparrow and Guy Vernon. Published by the CIPD. Copyright � CIPD 2003, 2007 All rights reser ved; no part of this excerpt may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. If you would like to purchase this book please visit International Human Resource Management Economist (2000b) ‘The world’s view of multinationals’, The Economist, 354 (8155), 29 Januar y: 21–2 Engardio, P Bernstein, A. and Kripalani, M. (2003) ‘The new global job shift’, Business Week, ., 3 February Harris, H., Brewster, C. and Sparrow, P (2001) Globalisation and HR: A literature review. London, . CIPD Sparrow, P Brewster, C. and Harris, H. (2004) Globalising Human Resource Management. London, ., Routledge Stiles, P (2006) ‘The human resource department: roles, coordination and influence’, in G. Stahl and . I. Bjorkman (eds) Handbook of Research in International HRM. London, Edward Elgar ¨ Trends International (2001) ‘Foreign investment: Belgium favourite’, Trends International, Belgium, April, 3: 42 UNCTAD (2004) Research Note: World Investment Report 2004 – the shift towards services. Transnational Corporations 13 (3): 87–124 Vaill, P (1989) Managing as a Performing Art: New ideas for a world of chaotic change. San . Francisco, Jossey-Bass 10 A free sample from International Human Resource Management 2nd Edition by Chris Brewster, Paul Sparrow and Guy Vernon. Published by the CIPD. Copyright � CIPD 2003, 2007 All rights reserved; no part of this excerpt may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. If you would like to purchase this book please visit