(For the partial fulfillment of the degree of MCA) Batch 2011-2014 (MC0602-Term Paper) SYNOPSIS ON “SMART CARD”
Mr.Dadan Kumar Jha Ranjana Kumari
Mr. Ashish Sharma REG.NO. 3521130118 SECTION-‘B’
I (RANJANA KUMARI R/NO.3521130118) would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this research paper . I want to thank the Department of MCA of SRM UNIVERSITY NCR CAMPUS for giving me permission to commence this research paper in the first instance, do the necessary research work.
I am deeply indebted to my supervisor assistant professor.
Mr. Dadan Kumar Jha and Mr. Ashish Sharma from the MCA dept whose help,stimulations and encouragement helped me in all the time of research for and writing of this research paper.
Organizations have been experimenting with smart cards for almost thirty years, yet they are not used particularly in the North American market. Smart cards offer exciting possibilities for convenience, accuracy, customization, data security and cost reduction for individuals and organizations.
There have, however, been many barriers to the broad diffusion of smart cards such as deposit insurance liability, data accuracy, transaction anonymity, fraud risk, the small number of application