|An investigation into the impact of cloud computing on educational institution in UK: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY |
|(MSC in Information Technology) |
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|Mr. Tom Dick and Herry |
|0587RBGF7689 |
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction: 3 1.1. Research Question: 4 1.2. Aim and Objectives: 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review: 5 2.1. Comprehensive concept Cloud Computing: 5 2.2. Problems solved by Cloud Computing 5 2.3. Impact on the future working patterns of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) 5 2.4. Cost saving opportunities that might arise 5 2.5. What can and can’t go in the cloud 6 2.6. Can small businesses adopt it now? 6 2.7. Potential security risks associated with having data ‘in the cloud’ 6 2.8. The Benefits of Cloud computing for business 6 2.9. How It Works 7 2.10. The Benefits 7 2.11. Five Myths About Cloud Computing for business 8 2.12. Know the Facts Before Switching from Collocation Hosting to Cloud Computing 9 2.13. Some of the reasons that businesses are choosing cloud computing include: 9 2.14. Cloud Computing for Education 9 2.15. Cloud computing, in education, is able to be both good
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