~Based off a Chinese Myth~
Before the earth was created; before we have this beautiful world; before there was what we now call mankind. There’s nothing except Wager, a pocket-like thing without any opening, in the frightening darkness of space. No Sun, no planets, no comets, no asteroids, no moons… And there were, of course, the bad guys, Wager’s evil younger twin brothers, Goz and Mus. One day, the three brothers were discussing about the seven apertures on a human face, and both Goz and Mus wanted to sculpt them on Wager, since it had only a brain and body. Wager on the other hand, wasn’t too hot about the idea, but it’s too proud and brave to object. It can’t bear to say no, so it too, agreed on the deal. The second day, they went straight to work. But no one had expected that all these were part of the twins’ plan to kill their older brother. Even though Goz and Mus tried everything they can to save Wager, it still died because of the holes. Not long after Wager’s death, a creature appeared inside Wager, who was called Pand. After 18,000 years of sleep in the “basket”, Pand woke and increased 1,000 times in size. After a while, Pand found it hard to breathe and difficult to see in the scaring and cold darkness, as if in a black hole that is 20,000 miles under the ground! Pand tried to ignore it at first, but a few days later, he’s panting from day to night… He couldn’t take it anymore. Pand’s anger had grown from a tiny flame to a forest fire; he took out one of his teeth crossly and used his powers to transform it into a magical ax. He began to slash around, searching for any openings that might bring light and fresh air. A second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month… Finally, a year had gone by, Pand was done. He broke free of his “home”, and gulped greedily for fresh air. Enjoying his freedom, he took a step forward, then another… Until, on the seventh step, he tripped and fell downward at lightning speed!!! Suddenly, everything around him stopped, and he found it harder and harder to breathe, he wanted to stand up and stretch, but with his back crouched to the top, there’s no room for his height. It’s really hard to just sit there and do nothing…while you are in such a hard and uncomfortable condition. So after a while, Pand decided to make the sky higher, and the ground thicker, with the tool which he made out of his tooth, he went to work. Day after day, night after night, hard work turned into reward. The sky was higher than ever, and the ground was thicker than usual. “Ahhh…” Pand looked around him and found the new world that he had created staring back gratefully at him. Although he was tired, he was also proud and happy. Looking at the newborn world longingly, he let out his last breath, lie down on the hard, cold ground, close his heavy eyelids over his beautiful sky colored eyes, and said goodbye to the world. The hero had died, but his body still remained… Pand’s breathe became wind and clouds, for the drought to fulfill their wishes; his sound became thunders and lightnings, to show us his feelings; his left eye became the Sun, bringing warmth and energy to the world; his right eye became the moon, which opens the door for us in the dark cold sky; his hair became the shining stars, giving us the chance to enjoy the beauty of the night sky; his blood became lakes, rivers, and oceans, providing homes for the livings in the water; his bones became trees, flowers, and grasses, for the insects to hop around and the miracles of nature; his muscles became roads, giving us transportation between each others; his teeth became stones and metal, giving us sources and help developing technology; his wisdom became crystals and diamonds, for us to collect and keep as precious gifts; his sweat became raindrops, providing the earth the water they always need; and lastly, his soul became us, mankind. The hero’s body became land… Pand’s head became Australia; his right hand is Asia; his left hand is Africa; his belly is Europe; his right foot became North America; and his left foot became South America. Still, until today, you can see all these things on earth, which are made out of our hero.
We can hear his anger when thunderstorms and hurricanes come along; we can feel the warmth of the rays of sunlight glistening everywhere; we can see the fishes in the ocean playing happily and when the waves come crashing through; we can touch the feeling of proud when we had made a successful step; we can smell the scent of the colorful flowers when the breeze blow; we can always work hard and kept the results as a precious gift… That’s why mankind is called the king of all creations on earth, because we’re the hero’s soul. And finally, the earth was created.