Anabolic steroids give athletes a physical benefit by helping with "muscular growth and strength" (Mazzeo & Ascione, 2013, p.2012) as well as decreasing the "time of physical recovery after intense and protracted physical activity" (Mazzeo & Ascione, 2013, p.2012). By using these anabolic steroids athletes are able to surpass the normal limits of the human body giving the athletes not taking the drugs “a serious competitive disadvantage” (Verber, 2014, p.269). This is considered as unfair because the ‘natural’ athletes then have less training time, will fatigue quicker and they are not able to compete at the same somatic …show more content…
p.1872), because of this much conflict has arose from the use of PEDs in competitive sports. Numerous athletes are being pressured into using PEDS by paternalistic figures such as trainers or coaches. With considerable technical advancement performance enhancing drugs are much more prevalent then in the past as there are more options as well as more availability. While what some see as a “basic individual right” (Verber, 2014, p.268) others see as unfair competition that takes away the even playing field of sports. Renson states that "everyone should, theoretically, have the opportunity to compete, and that the conditions for competition should be the same for all contestants" (2009, p.7), the use of anabolic steroids completely exterminates this idea fair competition that is essential in modern