Rafia Awan
Reg. No: FA09 BET 076
Student, Department of Electrical Engineering
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: z.zagart92@yahoo.com
Abstract— the document presents the basic transmission system of analog signal over a distance. Different techniques most advantageous to different transmission systems are discussed. Elements used, like modulators, filters, mixers, power amplifiers, and channel media while transmission are also analyzed. The report presents different methods of generation of AM, carrier generating oscillators, frequency mixers, FM generation via VCOs and NBFM generation.
Keywords— Analog modulation; Bandwidth; Chopper circuit; Crystal oscillator; Impedance matching; RF power amplifiers and filters; Telephone microphones
A nalog transmission is still put into practice but holds its own drawbacks. Analog information signals in their raw form cannot be transmitted, they need to be processed and prepared before that. The reasons why such a need arises are briefly discussed below and throughout the document. A. Bounded Canvas
This step can be excluded if digital transmission is not a preference; analog signals can be transmitted without undergoing A/D conversion. But because the human senses do not necessitate the precision to be infinite to be able to comprehend something (a signal), sampling and quantization processes barely effect the information but significantly reduce the cost. B. Antenna Practicability
For antenna practicability the need for the signals to have a much higher frequency than they customarily do rises, which is accomplished through modulation. However it raises the call for of a higher bandwidth than the information signal alone acquires. Bandwidth then again is too expensive an entity to squander. A fine modulation technique takes that into account. C. Bandwidth Efficiency
SSB filters filter one of the sidebands