*Electrons are partying*
Suddenly protons come and attack the..
Just a while b4 the electrons are to be defeated someone comes and rescues them.. .
One of the electron asks, "who are you?" .
The guy replies..
"I'm Bond..
Covalent bond" :D an example of a baseband network; also called narrowband; contrast with broadband. BAUMÉ DEGREES A unit of specific gravity used in the acid and syrup industries. BLACKBODY The perfect absorber of all radiant energy that strikes it. The blackbody is also a perfect emitter. Therefore, both its absorbance (A) and emissivity (E) are unity. The blackbody radiates energy in predictable spectral distribu- tions and intensities that are a function of the blackbody’s absolute tempera-
BLOWDOWN The difference between the set pressure (BLOWBACK) and the reseating (closing) pressure of a pressure relief valve, expressed in percent of the set pressure, bars, or pounds per square inch. BOLOMETER Thermal detector which changes its electrical resistance as a function of the radiant energy striking it. BONDING The practice of creating safe, high- capacity, reliable electrical connectivity between associated metallic parts, machines, and other conductive equip- ment. BRIGHTNESS This device uses the radiant energy on PYROMETER each side of a fixed wavelength of the spectrum. This band is quite narrow and usually centered at 0.65 µ m in the orange-red area of the visible spectrum. BRITISH THERMAL The amount of heat required to raise UNIT (BTU) the temperature of 1 lb of water by 1°F at or near 60°F. BRIX DEGREE A specific gravity unit used in the sugar industry. BROADBAND A communication technique that mul- tiplexes multiple independent signals simultaneously, using several distinct carriers. A common term in the tele- communications industry to describe any channel having a bandwidth greater than a voice-grade channel (4 kHz). Also