When the conversion takes place between analog and digital it becomes the base of all communication technologies. Just about all hardware uses digital so it is very important to convert analog signals into digital to perform support for hardware applications. All hardware devices are aimed to be digital. Therefore, devices in the future will not need conversion because they will already be digital. There are many examples of analog to digital like a scan picture. The analog information provided by the light present in the picture is converted to digital signal to complete the process. The digital conversion use the means of binary coding for data transmission and output. The digital signals work only by using only two numbers known as one and zero (Analog to Digital). When users convert the signal to digital it allows plenty of data to be stored on a single device. This help save bandwidths and space. There are seven ways that signals are structured; direct conversion, ramp compare, successive approximation, delta encoded, pipeline, time stretch, and sigma delta. When the hardware uses one of those signals the destination hardware will find the best data encryption and utilization. The most common analog to digital conversion are the digital TVs, cameras, and other video captures. The newer microcontrollers’ technologies are used to convert analog to digital by reducing the size of the chip to get a better signal.
Frequency Modulation
The advantages and disadvantages of frequency, and frequency modulation vary from one application to the next. However, the frequency modulation choice depends on the applications, and system requirements. Knowing the type of system as well as the requirement will help the technician choose the correct form or type frequency modulation to generate to get the required output for use.
Comparing, and contrasting Amplitude Modulation (AM) to other forms of modulation frequencies an individual will find that (AM)
References: Analog to Digital. (2013 April). Retrieved from http://www.wifinotes.com/computer-hardware- components Gilmer, B. (2003). Sonet. Broadcast Engineering, 45(7), 24-24. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/204171727?accountid=35812 Goleniewski, L. (2007). Telecommunications Essentials (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Analog to Digital. (2013 april). Retrieved from http://www.wifinotes.com/computer-hardware-components Tutorialspoint. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.tutorialspoint.com/wi- fi/wifi_radio_modulation.htm