I remembered a day, a day of life changing. A day my conscious-self broke into freedom. A day prejudgment and prejudice no longer existed. A day many people who were traumatized by words like swords pray for it to come. A day I was saved by the purist smile of a little angel. Behold, the story I am about to tell is not just a fiction tale crafted by my imagination but an experience of my own which I will remember forever. As I walk down the street of my neighborhood on a Sunday, I pull up my collar and stick my balled hands into my brand new winter jacket pocket. It is not a bright sunny day, but I keep my sunglasses on to match my outfit. Behind the shades, my eyes glance curiously onto my old neighbor John who is the only one up in the chilly windy morning piling up the golden carpet of autumn leaves. Such a stupid move. I hear a voice inside myself said with disdain. The wind will destroy the little leaf hill in no time. Instantly, I feel a strong gush of wind, and I watch as the pile of leaves dance and scatter with the wind. “Such a stupid move”, I agreed. Into a convenient store, I see a few familiar faces without surprise. ‘Oily Bill’ is sitting beside the window wiping his mouth with his dirty hands as usual. I can feel goose bumps running down my back seeing such a disgusting scene. I think I just lost my appetite from breakfast. Little Sam is cashing out in a counter. He is probably buying cigarettes, I thought. I remembered someone mentioned last week that he started smoking. It is such a shame that a young life is ruined by temptation of cigarettes. Lily miss Kitty is buying food for her cats again. When is she going to realize no matter how many cats she takes care of, she is still going to be a lonely old woman? Feeling extremely uncomfortable, I clench my fists and walk fast across the aisle, trying to retrieve a can of coffee without the need of greeting any one of them here. I don’t want to talk to
I remembered a day, a day of life changing. A day my conscious-self broke into freedom. A day prejudgment and prejudice no longer existed. A day many people who were traumatized by words like swords pray for it to come. A day I was saved by the purist smile of a little angel. Behold, the story I am about to tell is not just a fiction tale crafted by my imagination but an experience of my own which I will remember forever. As I walk down the street of my neighborhood on a Sunday, I pull up my collar and stick my balled hands into my brand new winter jacket pocket. It is not a bright sunny day, but I keep my sunglasses on to match my outfit. Behind the shades, my eyes glance curiously onto my old neighbor John who is the only one up in the chilly windy morning piling up the golden carpet of autumn leaves. Such a stupid move. I hear a voice inside myself said with disdain. The wind will destroy the little leaf hill in no time. Instantly, I feel a strong gush of wind, and I watch as the pile of leaves dance and scatter with the wind. “Such a stupid move”, I agreed. Into a convenient store, I see a few familiar faces without surprise. ‘Oily Bill’ is sitting beside the window wiping his mouth with his dirty hands as usual. I can feel goose bumps running down my back seeing such a disgusting scene. I think I just lost my appetite from breakfast. Little Sam is cashing out in a counter. He is probably buying cigarettes, I thought. I remembered someone mentioned last week that he started smoking. It is such a shame that a young life is ruined by temptation of cigarettes. Lily miss Kitty is buying food for her cats again. When is she going to realize no matter how many cats she takes care of, she is still going to be a lonely old woman? Feeling extremely uncomfortable, I clench my fists and walk fast across the aisle, trying to retrieve a can of coffee without the need of greeting any one of them here. I don’t want to talk to