preferring government hospitals in spite of their bad service.
Department of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
University of Development Alternative (UODA)
80, Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Analysing the causes
preferring government hospitals in spite of their bad service.
Prepared For:
Tahsina Tarannumm
Lecturer, Business Administration
University of Development Alternative
Submitted By:
Md. Mostafizur Rahman
Student Id: 021123082
Batch: 40 (B)
Nakib Sadat
Student Id: 021123085
Batch: 40 (B)
Junaed Hossain
Student Id: 021123088
Batch: 40 (B)
Shohil Rana
Student Id: 021123098
Batch: 40 (B)
Md. Morshed Ali
Student Id: 021123100
Batch: 40 (B)
Department of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
University of Development Alternative (UODA)
Tahsina Tarannumm
Lecturer, Business Administration
University of Development Alternative
Dear Teacher,
With great respect we beg to state that, we are the members of “effulgence”. We have made a report on “analysing the causes of preferring government hospitals in spite of their bad service”. We hereby that this submission is our own work and that to the best of our knowledge and belief it contains neither material nor facts previously published or written by another person.
Please accept our report on behalf our work and oblige there by.
Yours sincerely:
Md. Mostafizur Rahman
Student Id: 021123082, Batch # 40 (B)
Nakib Sadat
Student Id: 021123085, Batch # 40 (B)
Junaed Hossain
Student Id: 021123088, Batch # 40 (B)
Shohil Rana
Student Id: 021123098, Batch # 40 (B)
Md. Morshed Ali
Student Id: 021123100, Batch # 40 (B)
References: 1. (2013, March 23). Retrieved from Chapter 10 – Basics of Report Writing (Page - 293) Business Communication by Lesikar, Flatley and Rentz. 2. (2013, April 13). Retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hospitals_in_Bangladesh 3. (2013, April 13). Retrieved from Mongabay: http://www.mongabay.com/history/bangladesh/bangladesh-health_care_facilities.html 4. (2013, April 13). Retrieved from Alloexpat Bangladesh: http://www.bangladesh.alloexpat.com/bangladesh_information/healthcare_bangladesh.ph