The literary analysis of the story ‘The apple tree’ by J.Galsworthy. John Galsworthy is a prominent English novelist, playwright and short-story writer. The genre of the text is social as the author describes social, professional spheres of life with the help of such vocabulary as: college, football, girl, friend and so on. The type of writing are narration, dialog and description. The author narrates about meeting of Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton with a Megan. He describes their meeting andthe farm of Megan’s aunt. The basic theme is to show the different ways of being happy and having a piece in the heart for different people. There are by-theme such as: enjoy the things which you have in their natural manifestation, help to people, meeting on the farm with Mrs.Narracombe. The tone of the text is objective because the story is given in the third person singular. Let me analyze the composition of the story. The story begins with the title ‘The apple tree’ that is the clue to the whole story. In the exposition the author considers the people’s fates. From the beginning we learn the place, the time of the event, about the characters and their occupations. The composition of the text includes:
1.The introduction, when the author presents us the description of they appearance an the point of their journey;
2.The development, when they met a girl and she invites them to her farm;
3.The outcome , when Ashurst lies on the bank and thinks about different things.
The author present a character of Ashurst indirectly. We infer about him from what he says, thinks and does. He is a young man. He is well-educated. Ashurst was inexperienced and young. He is very romantic as he says that he was always in love with somebody. It is important for him to have a person to admire and think about. In the beginning of the story, when Ashurst first meets Megan, we sympathize with him. The author managed to make the reader believe it to be real deep