Cotton Mather stated, “Convicted of a very Damnable Witchcraft: yea, more than one Twenty have Confessed, that they have Signed unto a Book, which the Devil show’d them, and Engaged in his Hellish Design of Bewitching, and Ruining our Land” (Dudley 27). When the multiple witches confessed, they were stating that they had, in fact, participated in the evil act of witchcraft. A confession will hold up in a court of law; therefore, the confessions of the accused were a reliable source for the colonist to depend upon when ridding the land of devilish colonists. The admission of the witches gave colonists the right to believe that they were a danger to society (Dudley
Cotton Mather stated, “Convicted of a very Damnable Witchcraft: yea, more than one Twenty have Confessed, that they have Signed unto a Book, which the Devil show’d them, and Engaged in his Hellish Design of Bewitching, and Ruining our Land” (Dudley 27). When the multiple witches confessed, they were stating that they had, in fact, participated in the evil act of witchcraft. A confession will hold up in a court of law; therefore, the confessions of the accused were a reliable source for the colonist to depend upon when ridding the land of devilish colonists. The admission of the witches gave colonists the right to believe that they were a danger to society (Dudley