Copy the file name Motor Claims from the shared folder and paste it on a new work sheet. Carry out the following Analysis on the given data.…
There are many different ways to describe the data we collect and all are important when conducting business. The mean of a data set is the sum divided by the # of observations. Now saying exactly what a mean is can be helpful, applying it to the business world makes understanding it a lot easier. Mean can be used in a business environment by both tax offices and retailers when collecting income from a group of people; in this case both groups are interested in the total amount of money that happens to be available. Companies can determine the mean salary for their business to know the average amount they are paying employees (some employees may make more or less than the mean).…
Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. (BIMS) is seeking to find the reasons why employees are in breach of the standards of quality and productivity. The company wants to find out the reasons why many employees have resigned and the causes of employee dissatisfaction. The initial survey that the company did had errors of design, and also had errors in the data entry of the results. BIMS executives decided to execute a second survey to correct the errors that they had committed in the first survey with the purpose of obtaining real and useful results. (University of Phoenix, 2013, Week 5 BIMS case supplement).…
There are many advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires and throughout this essay I am going to examine the usefulness of questionnaires in sociological research. I will compare the advantages and disadvantages and find out whether it is can be a useful method to use.…
For this practical application assignment, make believe that you are a real estate agent living and working in southern Florida. The senior real estate partner of your firm e-mails you a document containing Florida pool home data, which you've retrieved from the Updates and Handouts section of this unit, and asks you to find ways describe the most important aspects of the home sale data. This technique is called descriptive statistics. The file contains data for 80 properties, including home prices, home sizes, number of bathrooms, niceness ratings, and whether or not there's a pool. This file is used as an example on pages 142–143 of Business Statistics in Practice. Be sure that you have read Appendix 2.1, on pages 80–87, in your textbook, which provides instruction on how to construct a frequency distribution, histogram, and scatter plot in Excel. Compute the following data parameters:…
BIMS management team has been facing a major dilemma of high turnover and extremely low employee morale. BIMS management team has asked Team B to help identify the main cause of the high turnover and low morale and propose an acceptable solution that will result in a decrease of both.…
1. In a questionnaire, respondents are asked to mark their gender as male or female. Gender is an example of the…
The histogram is present in appendix A; the descriptive statistics are present in appendix B.…
Norman, W. (n.d.) At what age can you neuter a cat? Retrieved January 25, 2012, from…
This essay will describe the strength and limitation of using an official statistic to investigate social class difference in top comprehensive school. The general aim of this research is to uncover proportion of working class or poor children with the use of free school meal in top comprehensive school and on GCSE. This research will use Official statistic which are secondary data(it been done before) and are statistics that are published by government and reputable research Organisation which are heavily used by sociologist.…
The data analysis from this article is mainly with the interviews that were conducted by the researcher for this project. Their observations also played a factor in their analysis of data.…
In analyzing the collected data, the paper will be divided into the demographic profiles of the respondents and the ideas of respondents. The data that will be acquired will be put into graphs and tables.…
This report attempts to determine my personality type by analyzing the Type Focus assessment results in order to find out my personality type and if it is compatible with my career choice. Research generated four letter personality type, three main interest, and three work values. These results will be discussed in Method, Results, and Discussion.…
While there are different reasons and circumstances to use different research methods in the data collection process, in the field of sociology survey research does have some benefits. In earlier years the construction and administration of surveys, and statistical methods for tabulating and interpreting their results, were widely regarded as the major sociological research technique (MSN Encarta, 2009). This allows researchers to study populations on a broader scope than using direct observation. It also enables the researcher to gather information on a population in a more efficient manner than some other methods. The results from surveys give a look into a groups perspective as a whole rather than individualized thoughts and opinions that can differ greatly even in small populations.…
Because words are paper thin, and sometimes have no meaning, we seem to overlook other people's words. Since you had a bad day, you gave your mom attitude on your way home, or maybe you told your best friend off. Although these words can sometimes have an impact on how someone else treats you, it would only be at that moment in time. As soon as the moment passes, only a memory is left, and it will almost always be forgotten, where as a change purposely done by you can sometimes be the first thought that person thinks when they see you.…