It is hurting us when they push so hard and expect so much . I chose this topic because I can relate to the situation. In one of the articles that I had researched it had mentioned that parents are killers.That they stress there kids out so much that they are literally killing themselves because of the stress that their parents are causing …show more content…
They may be anxious all the time, have low self esteem, rebellion, inability to live up to expectations. They may also be depressed and turn to drugs and alcohol or even a eating disorder. It is crazy how all this happens because of a parent . You wouldn't think that a parent would do that to their child. Some children are not able to function well with so many responsibilities and expectations. In another article it mentioned this young boy that played sports and he had made an error and his father had went over to talk to him and rather …show more content…
Like most parents they want to see their child achieve. Parents also have high standards in what they want. When someone brings home a low but passing grade they dog at them because it is not good enough and it is not acceptable. To them they are failing when in reality they are really passing and that is hard on them because it makes her think she is a failure because she hears it every time she brings home a report card and she don't like bringing them home because she knows that her parents are going to have something to say even when it is good no matter what they always do. When they are getting onto her it makes her feel like she is no good and also worthless to them because she is not the perfect child they want. Sometimes she even starts crying because they put her down. She gets stressed out over her grades because she tries so hard to where she fails. It has gone that far that she fails under pressure because she is trying to keep up with what they want and all the pressure just makes it worse. She wishes they would just accept what she brings home because she does give it her all even when they say she don't try hard enough she really does. She also says that her parents never accepts anything she does wither its good or bad nothing is ever good enough. The result of stress on your body is not good. It has many things that can happen to your body like headaches, stomach aches, high blood pressure, chest