
Analysis Essay On Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Analysis Essay On Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death
Romeo and Juliets death

As solving huge problems in life, some come with a cost. In the great play, Romeo and Juliet, written and directed by William Shakespeare, two young ,pressured, star-crossed lovers take their lives so they can finally be together in the after world. Romeo and Juliet did not make these choices on their own. In the play most characters had an impact on our two lovers to choice to take their own lives, but I think these three characters( Tybalt, Friar John, and Juliet) had more significance on both for Romeo and Juliet. For our first character to blame will be Tybalt and his death. Tybalt is one to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death because of his bad temper and the family feud between his family( The Capulets) and the montagues( Romeo’s family). So as Tybalt's bad temper gets him at the Capulet party, He sees Romeo roaming around the party he was not officially invited to. Tybalt runs off and tell his uncle about this commotion and his uncle just told him to leave him alone but that’s not what Tybalt did. “Patience perforce with willful choler meeting makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting. I will withdraw;but this intrusion shall, now seeming sweet, convert to bitter gall.” As this quote remarks
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Friar John is also one to blame for their deaths because of his lack of effort and his incompetents. Friar Laurence's has came up with a plan for juliet and her tough situation, which involved her being “dead” for twenty-four hours; Laurence's sent a letter to John to deliver to Romeo explaining what is happening and what he must do. “I could not send it-here it is again- nor get a messenger to bring it thee, so fearful were they of infection.” As easily as he Friar John gave up he could of gone himself to deliver it or done more of his power to get the letter out there if so, Romeo of been informed of the plan and would not ended his

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