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Instructions: Go to the CanGo intranet found in the Report Guide tab under Course Home Use the financial statements from the most recent year to fill in the table below. You may find some formulae calling for an average, e.g., average inventory, average receivables. Because we only have the Balance sheet for one year, you can only use the one year number not an average. Assume interest expense is $0.00 Be careful of the Debt equity ratio. The review covers debt asset ratio as an example of how to calculate ratios and that is different from debt equit and that is different from the debt equity ratio so think about how you calculate the debt equity ratio using the debt asset ratio as an example. Be sure to cite your references
Green boxes to be filled in by instructor
Ratio Formula (express the ratio in words)
Term A/Term B (Term A divided by Term B)
Detailed calculation (actual numbers from financial statements used for the calculation) 1000/2000
Final number (final result of the detailed calculation)
Explanation of why ratio Earned points is important (up to 3 points per "box"/cell)
This is the explanation of the role of this ratio and why it is important
Efficiency Ratio: Receivables Turnover Grade for above Efficiency Ratio: Inventory Turnover Grade for above Financial Leverage Ratio: Debt/Equity Ratio Grade for above
Liquidity Ratio: Current Ratio Grade for above
Liquidity Ratio: Quick Ratio Grade for above
Liquidity: Working Capital Grade for above
Profitability Ratio: Return on Assets Grade for above Profitability Ratio: Return on Sales Grade for above Total Earned Points
nd that is different from debt equity ratio, ebt asset ratio as an example.
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