After further analyzation, I began to wonder how the mice were able to chase the farmer’s wife around if they are blind. The author put extra emphasis on seeing the way the 3 blind mice run (those were the 1st 2 lines, the only lines that were repeated twice and the only lines that did not rhyme) as if it was different than how non-blind mice run. It’s unclear if the mice were running in fear, anger, if they were running different because they got their tails cut off etc. The author could be implying nothing good happens for people/animals with disabilities. The story seems to only highlight the mice’s deficiencies and nothing good happens for them. The last observation of my analysis is I never heard of a mouse, or
After further analyzation, I began to wonder how the mice were able to chase the farmer’s wife around if they are blind. The author put extra emphasis on seeing the way the 3 blind mice run (those were the 1st 2 lines, the only lines that were repeated twice and the only lines that did not rhyme) as if it was different than how non-blind mice run. It’s unclear if the mice were running in fear, anger, if they were running different because they got their tails cut off etc. The author could be implying nothing good happens for people/animals with disabilities. The story seems to only highlight the mice’s deficiencies and nothing good happens for them. The last observation of my analysis is I never heard of a mouse, or