Stand near the Titanic part of the balcony and argue (?) I guess. I’m thinking maybe Austin almost got in a fight because these boys were messing with me. The “messing with me” would be one of the boys took my pencil and I was trying to get it back and right when Austin came in the room the boy’s friend grabbed me by the waist. Then Austin ran up on him and I had to pull him away, which isn’t easy cause he’s a lot bigger than me. And now he’s mad because he said I didn’t do anything to stop him. But I wasn’t even thinking like that I was just trying to get my pencil so I can take my test. And how is it fair that he can talk to females and I can talk to boys, what is that?
So some things i'm going to say are “I’m not some little girl you need to defend” “I obviously don’t like them if I’m going out with you!” “And why would you try and fight a freshman half your size?” etc etc. So hopefully Monet is late and once I see her I’ll walk down the stairs. I’ll say “ok ok whatever” and laugh. Then I’ll say “My phone is in my pocket so hang up alright alright bye Austin.”
If Monet is already there still go upstairs wait a little bit and then go to chapel. When opening the door do the little “ok whatever… phone in pocket… bye Austin” But say “Bye Austin” in like a sultry voice.
If we are in the harambe room just start the conversation …show more content…
Okay that is all the updated Austin/Monet news. Oh and Leaja knows about me and Austin.
Also the darkskin ip girl, I forget her name at the moment, asked if IP could have a sleepover and trina said maybe, Monet looked stressed out. (Its 2/16/17, Her name is Lauren, LAUREN!)
On Monday January 31st there was IP practice. When I walked in they were talking about lipstick so of course Ms. Legina said something about me always wearing dark lipstick. Even though now I'm trying to think when she saw me with lipstick. But anyway I was putting my music up and taking off my shoes. I put my hands in my adidas and leaned over to Ms Legina and said something about which colors I had and sauntered over to the circle.
Monet was asking how everyone's day was and they were saying how they got a two hour delay. I didn't say anything and she asked me directly how my day was. So I said “ I didn't go to school”
“Oh you didn't have to go?”
“ I had to go to school but I didn't”
Monet said “ let me find out you've been skipping, we're going to have a