In The New Americans by Ruben Martinez, the author provides insight of the life experience of several families as they emigrate from their homeland and migrate to America in hope to finding a better life. The following text will briefly examine each family and their experience, but critically analyze the experience through defining and relating sociological concepts and theories. By the end the writer will explain how in reading this book has helped in understanding cultural pluralism in American Society.…
These two examples show just how many people would try new and extreme ways to just the possibility of freedom. Although somewhere around 90% of Asian immigrants were eventually admitted into the US, their hardships usually did not end upon finally settling somewhere. The amount of incoming Asians began to become a topic among politicians, who therefore spread the worry to…
The article “Why the U.S. Is So Good at Turning Immigrant Into Americans” gives us a glimpse of a small town exploding from the new diversification. People in the small town are new to opening their minds to new things, but some still have more to learn, since in the high school there are student from “more than 50 countries”. It may seem overwhelming at first to those who seek limitations, but to the people finding new homes for themselves and their family, while still able to express their culture is priceless. If more people continue learning about different cultures around the world, the United States will continue to grow in its goal for its people to be more open to individuality (Source F). The fight for individuality has been a long fought battle, and “Conflicts of American Immigrants: Assimilate of Retain Ethnic Identity” gives us a view of the initial fight of individuality.…
The year is 1776. In an act of defiance of the oppressive rule of the powerful nation of Great Britain, the political leaders of the British-American colonies sign into existence the United States of America. Even before this inception of the United States, North America had been seen as a place where one could move to start a new life and reap the full rewards for one’s work. These opportunities combined with the new United States government founded on the ideals of freedom and equity have attracted countless families from all over the world, making the United States truly a country of immigrants. Immigrants from European nations coming to America both assimilated and helped to shape the culture of the nation. Others, either immigrants or those forced to come to the United States, were marked with distinguishable differences from the European majority. The Africans and Asians are examples of some of these minorities, but, in my belief, one of the groups that has had the most unique struggle to become part of the ‘great melting pot’ of America is the Latino culture. For many different reasons Latin Americans have struggled to assimilate with the American culture for hundreds of years.…
Contrary to popular belief, Asian Americans make up just above five percent of America’s current population. The first Asian immigrants were the Chinese; arriving in large numbers during the mid-nineteenth century. Along with the Chinese, America became a host to other Asian ethnic minorities such as Indians, Japanese, Filipinos, and Koreans; all of which were emigrating due to the major global transformations by industrialism, capitalism, and European/American colonialism. A little over five percent of the population doesn’t seem significant however do keep in mind America has over 300 million people, so that is still 15 million people that make up the population; 15 million people that have families, lives, and emotions. In this essay, I…
Growing up as a child of immigrants, I felt trapped between two worlds. I was often referred to as a ‘Twinkie’ (yellow on the outside and white on the inside). It never really bothered me up until recent, and I’ll tell you why. Being Asian-American had always been a confusing part of me. I was born on American soil, but raised in a strict Thai household. I’ve always been proud of my heritage, but I had a hard time feeling as if I belonged somewhere.…
Thought among Asian Americans there are seemingly similar cultural traits, such as strong family tie, collectivism, emphasizing on education attainment, preserving traditions. However, Asian subgroups are not homogeneous because they come from countries with distinct cultural and linguistic patterns, and their immigration to the U.S. has been shaped by many dissimilar cultural realities that do not apply to Asian-Americans as a whole. In addition, each Asian subgroup is very in culture, tradition, and religion identity, have different socioeconomic characteristics as well they face new challenges and LEP barriers as they try to improve…
For this comparison in particular, both Asian American and African American experiences will be examined in relation to the general society to determine similarities and differences that have led to the present-day political, economic, and social climate the twenty first generation Americans face. Understanding all the different aspects of these experiences goes beyond the scope of this paper, but some critical analysis can still be applied through an examination of the experiences both Asian American and African Americans had in the beginning interactions with whites. This method of observation and analysis is chosen due to the unique nature of intercultural interactions and how they relate to the political, economic, and social environments at the time, which is precisely what this paper is seeking to analyze. Both qualitative and quantitative information will offer a deeper look into the unique influences and general outcome of key interactions in both ethnic groups took part of throughout key events in America’s…
Asian Americans represent a diverse range of over twenty-nine unique people groups and cultures. Asian philosophy is group-centered rather than individual-centered as Western culture is. While this philosophy is not necessarily wrong, it presents different perspectives and problems of which Western-trained counselors should be aware. A individual’s identity is highly tied into identifying with the culture and customs they from which they come, deviating from culture and tradition such as seeing a mental health professional, is shamed by society. Mental disorders are categorized as “…insanity, a source of shame, or a lack of self-discipline…” (Erwin, Huang & Lin 2002 pp. 623). In most families, strong interpersonal bonds decrease the likelihood and severity of mental illness. However, in Asian American families, due to the tight family cohesion, immigrants and children of immigrants were less likely to seek mental health treatment out of their family’s fear for shame (Ta, Holck, & Gee 2010). Asian American clients are hype aware of maintaining face, especially in society and with authority figures, and showing emotions is seen as improper.…
Asian Americans suffered the most while living in the America as immigrants, illegal or not. Because of this, the Asian Americans families faced many difficulties such as grief and acceptance. The families sacrificed a lot to be in America and all they received are troubles. Both the novels, Bone by Fae Myenne Ng and When the Emperor was Divine by Julie Otsuka, shared the same difficulties as the families struggled to overcome the differences to achieve the American Dream that are hard for Asian Americans.…
Asian Americans are much more diverse than often thought. Usually when people think of Asian Americans, they picture Chinese or Japanese, but that is not the case. In fact, there many different groups that are categorized under Asian American. Some of the popular ones in America are Chinese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Pakistani, Cambodian, Hmong, and Laotian. Asian Americans come from different backgrounds. Each group has their own culture, history, and language. Considering Asian Americans made up 5.6 percent of America’s population in 2010, Americans should know more about the diversity of Asians (331 Healey).…
Nowadays there are a lot of Asians are trying to move to America. Asian American society is becoming one of the biggest societies in the world. People have started thinking that if they really should become an Asian American. Asian American is the group that have “yellow” skins who lives in the “white” society; Asian American is the group which may facing the problem that the life change from a communism country to a capitalism country; and Asian American is the group that lives in the country which their cultural and history are different than their traditional cultural and history. What it looks like or feels like to be an Asian with “yellow” skin lives…
When the people of Asian came to American for reasons such as a better life for their families, more income, and a better education they stood out because of their focus, hardworking efforts and high respect for their elders. One of the biggest stereotypes toward the Asian race is the success they have in an educational environment by achieving high test scores, academic awards and punctual about turning in all work assignments. Education for Asian children is a major reason why most immigrants come to American because in American it is easier to better education and a greater chance to succeed in life. Many adults in American was taken by surprise when they realize how respectful Asian children and adolescents had toward them. For many Asian…
INTRODUCTION Despite the rapid growth of Filipino communities throughout the United States, this population remains understudied and underserved by the mental health care system (Sue & Sue, 2003). Based on the 2000 U.S. Census, Barnes and Bennett (2002) reported that Filipinos represent the second largest Asian subgroup in the United States following Chinese Americans, and are projected to become the largest Asian American ethnic group in the 2010 census (Nadal, 2009). Yet, according to Ying and Hu (1994), Filipino Americans underutilize psychotherapeutic services when compared with other Asian American populations. One primary reason for this underutilization may be that Western therapy is not congruent with Filipino cultural values. Researchers…
The United States is one of the most racially diverse countries on the planet. With the acclaimed title of “The Melting Pot” the United States is home to millions of immigrants and their families. News outlets, polls, and the general insight into immigration widely stop at the first generation immigrants. This can paint a negative outlook on immigration and only show the hardships each person suffers. However when looked into deeper the success of second-generation immigrants is astonishing. As second-generation immigrants adapt to society more than their parents they are open to a wide range of success. The rates of immigrants born children and citizen born on achievements are virtually the same. This educated population brought up by immigrants…