Portraits account for more than half of manets work he once said “You would hardly believe how difficult it is to place a figure alone on a canvas, and to concentrate all the interest on this single and universal figure and still keep it living and real.” Manet had visited the Folies-Bergere numerous times and made many sketches so when he created this work it was far from a realistic portrayal, instead a reconstruction untrue to the halls actual spatial arrangement. As an impressionist artist he alleges perspective impossibilities as we see a male figure on an imposing scale to the right of the painting supposedly reflected to be standing in front of her before the bar, in the reflection they are seem to be engaging but in full face the relationship is absent. Although the body language suggests interaction his eyes seem to glance past her rather than at her. He is outside the painter’s field of view and remains to be an optical illusion perhaps representing the divide in class Manet has selectively chosen to
Portraits account for more than half of manets work he once said “You would hardly believe how difficult it is to place a figure alone on a canvas, and to concentrate all the interest on this single and universal figure and still keep it living and real.” Manet had visited the Folies-Bergere numerous times and made many sketches so when he created this work it was far from a realistic portrayal, instead a reconstruction untrue to the halls actual spatial arrangement. As an impressionist artist he alleges perspective impossibilities as we see a male figure on an imposing scale to the right of the painting supposedly reflected to be standing in front of her before the bar, in the reflection they are seem to be engaging but in full face the relationship is absent. Although the body language suggests interaction his eyes seem to glance past her rather than at her. He is outside the painter’s field of view and remains to be an optical illusion perhaps representing the divide in class Manet has selectively chosen to