The trend noticed over the first five readings on average and also when she was not stressed is, her blood pressure was lowest lying down. This is because the body does not have to work very hard to pump blood around the body, which is in the same horizontal plane. When the body then sits up, there is an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. This is due to the heart now working harder to pump blood around the body. When a person rises to standing position there is slight drop in blood pressure because gravity causes blood to naturally pool about 300 to 800 mL in the lower extremities or leg causing a drop in blood pressure (Bradley & Davis, 2003). “Upon standing from a supine position, the normal response is an increase in heart rate to maintain blood pressure.” (Tse,H.F., et al, 2005) The autonomic nervous system tries to correct this by narrowing the blood vessels and therefore the blood pressure is maintained to its baseline. On average, her pulse rate was within the normal resting pulse rate (i.e. 60-100). Her pulse rates were higher though within the normal range when she was stressed. Pulse rates are higher due to anxiety or stress (Jarvis, pp. 155). Her respiration was slow and regulated and was within the normal limit of adult (i.e. 10-20 bpm). When a
References: Bradley, J.G., & Davis, K.A., (2003). Orthostatic Hypotension. American FamilyPhysician. Retrieved from Jarvis, C. (2009). General Survey, Measurement, and Vital Signs. In Browne, A.J., Luctkar- Flude, M., & MacDonald-Jenkins, J. (Eds.), Physical Examination & Health Assessment (pp. 155-162). Toronto: Saunders Elsevier. Tse, H.F., et al (2005). Blood Pressure Response to Transition from Supine to Standing Posture Using an Orthostatic Response Algorithm. Academic Journal. Retrieved from 4579-40f9-9621-acd12cc4a43c%40sessionmgr114