FOM University of Applied Sciences Essen
Term paper
Analysis of Chinese Culture on the Basis of Hofstede’s Culture Model and Practical Examples
Course: Instructor:
Intercultural Competence Prof. Dr. Ingrid Eumann
Alexander Kerst Lütgendortmunder Str. 30, 44388 Dortmund Phone: +49 175 417 5850 | E-Mail:
Student-ID: Study programme: Degree:
216269 International Management Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
August 2010
List of Figures ................................................................................................................. II List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................... II 1 2 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1 Hofstede’s Culture Study ........................................................................................ 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 Power Distance (PDI) ......................................................................................... 2 Individualism (IDV) ........................................................................................... 2 Masculinity (MAS) ............................................................................................. 3 Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) ............................................................................ 4 Long-Term Orientation (LTO) ........................................................................... 4
The Chinese Culture Applied to Hofstede’s Culture Model ................................ 5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Power Distance Index (PDI) ............................................................................... 7 Individualism (IDV) ........................................................................................... 7 Masculinity (MAS)
References: Auswärtiges Amt (German Department for Foreign Affairs) n. d., Siebter Bericht der Bundesregierung über ihre Menschenrechtspolitik in den auwärtigen Beziehungen und in anderen Politikbereichen, Berlin. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 2010, CIA – The World Factbook, viewed 11 August 2010, countrytemplate_ch.html. Focus Online 2010, ‘Das chinesische Schulsystem – Belohnung nur für die Besten’, viewed 18 August 2010, Hofstede, G. 1980, Culture’s Consequences – International Differences in WorkRelated Values, Beverly Hills 1980. Hofstede, G. 1983, ‘Dimensions of national cultures in fifty countries and three regions’, in Deregowski/Dziurawiec/Anis (eds.), Expiscations in Cross-Culture Psychology, Lisse Netherlands 1983. Hofstede G. 2006, Lokales Denken, globales Handeln – Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und globales Management, 3rd rev. edition, München 2006. Hofstede, G. n. d., Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions, viewed 11 August 2010, culture2= 18#compare. Kutschker, M. & Schmid, S. 2002, Internationales Management, München 2002. Nippa, M. (ed.) 2004, Markterfolg in China: Erfahrungsberichte und Rahmenbedingungen, Heidelberg 2004. Reisach, U., Tauber T., Yuan, X. 2003, China – Wirtschaftspartner zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Ein Seminar für Praktiker, 3rd rev. and exp. Edition, Frankfurt/Wien 2003. Rothlauf, J. 2006, Interkulturelles Management – Mit Beispielen aus Vietnam, China, Japan, Russland und den Golfstaaten, 2nd rev. and exp. edition, München 2006. Tian, X. 2003, Managing international business in China, New York 2003.