Connecting the Dots
Digital Literacy
Represents a person's ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment (digital meaning information presented in a numeric form and primarily for use by computers) (Jones-Kavalier and Flannigan).
The basis of this argument surrounded around the constantly evolving definition of literacy, and how there needs to be better education surrounding digital literacy. Kavalier and Falligan claim “We have found a common void in professional development for faculty—training needed to gain the requisite computer skills to integrate technology into the curriculum effectively". Most educators master technology on their own time (Jones-Kavalier and Flannigan). This is a detriment to education because …show more content…
“Connecting the Dots” has a very adaptive and realistic approach to dealing with this newfound digital literacy.
People of the Screen
Digital Literacy
While Christine Rosen does not present a set definition of what she means by digital literacy, she is generally referring to any text on screens and the digital world that encompasses them. This includes Kindles, ebooks, and anything on a screen.
This argument was much more frustrating and opinion based than “Connecting the Dots” and I found it eye-roll worthy at times. Rosen is explaining how books are becoming obsolete and how humans are moving away from books to screens (Rosen 1). While she acknowledges that reading has changed, and so has our culture, she focuses on the decline in the pleasure of reading. 50 % of people ages 18-24 read no books for pleasure and 66% of college freshman read for pleasure less than 1 hour per week (Rosen 2). However, the statistics she utilized were only considering reading as reading printed texts. Rosen claims that the digital divide is between parents who teach their kids to love books and parents who don’t (3). She continues …show more content…
She raises valuable things such as how much people actually retain from screen reading, and how advancements in technology may be causing a decrease in reading for pleasure (Rosen 2). However, her argument won't fare well with the times, and people with that level of adamancy will get left behind. Keeping in mind my own personal opinions, however, I do not enjoy reading on a screen but in order to efficient and fully functional- it's what has to be done. Though I have my differences with these small aspects of “Connecting the Dots”, I agree with their approach to digital literacy.
Previous Definition of Literacy
Literacy is a set of social practices that portrays varying events, domains of life, and other historically rooted things through written texts. Literacy is enforced by social institutions and can serve broader social goals and cultural practices. Literacy is an adaptive concept that can rely on the situation (Barton and Hamilton, 8).
Revised Definition of Literacy
The only thing that I would want to change my definition of literacy, is to explain what I mean by written text. So basically the same thing, but this time with a