The objective of the study is to identify the constraints, potentials and recommending solutions as regards agribusiness development in Bangladesh. The methodology of the study included survey, PRA, RRA and FGD with different sector peoples comprising farmers, agribusiness-man, policy makers and specialists. The study covered 22 districts of 6 Divisions covering in all a randomly selected population. The existing situation of the as documented through Agricultural and Agribusiness Project reports of Ministry of Agriculture and international Donors are also thoroughly collected .interpreted and used in the study. The core data came from the survey done by 6 pre-tested questionnaires.
The main findings of the study were found to be price irregularity, lack of optimum production, and very weak information communication. For all the population (60-80) % respondent highlighted the lack price policy, inadequate agro-technological knowledge transfer and extremely neglected agro-media service as the constraints of agribusiness development in Bangladesh. According them Bangladesh has the potential to develop agribusiness if the constraints are removed.
The opportunities in Agribusiness sector relate to five main aspects:
i. Large population; ii. Natural and comparative advantage; iii. Policy reforms and shift in the role of the government and private sector; iv. Entrepreneurial culture; and
v. Tradition of associations.
The final recommendations made from the study as per existing situation are mentioned here. i. Training facilities for agri-tech-marketing-media profession being curricular forms; ii. Small-scale agro-tech need more attention of the policy makers; iii. The employment promoters should prioritize labour intensive technologies.
1. Introduction
The economy of Bangladesh is largely dependent on agriculture, which supports the vast majority of her population, producing about 32 percent of GDP, 23 percent of exports and employing 63
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