Mr. Ryan Snelgrove
English 12
14 December 2014
Poetry Lives
Everyone dies, in fact, we’ve been dying since we were born. With this being said, we can relate to the poet Dylan Thomas when he writes:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night. (Thomas)
Death is part of our everyday life. We see it in those around us and within ourselves, and we constantly ward it off by choosing to live. The poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Thomas was written nearly sixty-five years ago (Academy of Poets) and discusses the still prevalent struggle against death and how to handle it. Poetic works, like the aforementioned, contain relatable and germane attributes that continue to influence humanity. Everyday applications, poetic therapy, and adaptability combine to make poetry relevant to our modern society.
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This statement is a popular argument among the believers that poetry is dead. What these critics fail to recognize is that poetry’s purpose “ is to shake us out of our standard American buy-stuff-and-watch-TV half life. A poem's content matters very little to that utility”(Fried). What each poem is written about is not important- what is important is how it changes someone as a person. Poems are intended to make people reflect on life. “The poet may create new experiences for the reader in which the reader can participate and which will give him or her a greater awareness and understanding of the world”(Iskov). There is a sacred relationship between the writer and the reader-- the writer can say what he may and the reader can comprehend the words or experience the juxtaposition of phrases however he feels. A poem can be whatever a person wants it to