At age thirteen and even much …show more content…
Much of the hardship women faced was because of the expectations set for them by men and failing to meet those expectations due to problems also caused by men. Susan W. Fitzgerald puts it best in her 1908 essay; Women in The Home. In this piece Fitzgerald puts forward the common furtstaion of the urban women as they were expected to clean the house, keep the children healthy, fed them, clothe them, and develop their sense of morraily. But in an urban society as America had become at this time women faced difficulty with these expectation male society had placed on them because the filth of cities was impossible to clean up, because in the ghetto markets clean food was hard to find, because the air and water were full of diseases, and because the city was full of evil. All of these issues made it impossible to meet expectations set by men as without the iurgh to vote women didn't even have a voice in decisions they affect them more than anyone. Both Polachek and her mother face this hardship living in Chicago after becoming the sole parent of a family and having to sustain that family on the lower wages paid to women for brutal work. Polachek event illustrates her frustration with the problems of the city as a teen ager with her essay The Ghetto Market specifically in her second paragraph “Not until the city takes the matter in hand and orders all vegetables, meat and fish to be sold only in adequate and sanitary rooms will this condition be entirely overcome” This was written by Polacheck after seeing the filthy conditions of chicago markets and seeing many of her peers and neighbors fall ill or even