Strength 1 – In 20th century , Hong Leong Bank is considered a bank which has quality bank with a strong market position. They undergoes a well-recognised transformed business franchise with a full range of banking experience, an establish of history entrench relationships with communities. Besides that , the bank have large share of customer segment,with over 70 % gross loan to retail customer. Hong Leong Bank entrench with mass affluent customer, with a 21% share of bankable population , as well as with the middle market business community.They are well trust and embedded in the community . These core franchises are evident among four top bank for individual deposit size. They always underscoring their superior asset quality as their non-performing are lowest among in the sector . Furthermore, the bank also hold no 3 in institutional unit trust agent asset-under-management market share. Lastly, the bank also has an extensive integrate multi- channel sales and distribution capability that allow the bank to reach out to the community served.
Strength 2 – Hong Leong Bank is handed by advanced financial group . Despite financial crisis, Hong Leong bank financial performance in FY 09 was steady . Meanwhile, the pre-tax profit has increased from RM 1.01 billion to RM 1.132 billion in FY 08 . From year 2006 to 2009, pre-taxed profit has increase 1.5 times. They usually focus on strengthening and scaling up the business , risk and technology infrastructure to determine the grow profitably sustainably . Furthermore, they also extend the reach of bank via alternate and electronic channel . In addition, Hong Leong Bank always maintain the discipline of abstaining from excessive risk-taking in the short term and avoiding the sacrifice to tomorrow’s credits, liquidity and franchise reputation for today’s profit. Besides , they also make a strategic investment in a Chinese banking sector through a 20% strake in the Bank of