A crowd.
An ambulance.
My mother’s tears.
A funeral. (“caroline but we called her aunt kay, some memories” 19-23)
Her mother was clearly upset, and Jacqueline experienced the time that her mother was mourning, something that had never happened to her before. During this book, Jacqueline also meets her best friend, Maria. Maria is from a Spanish-speaking country, and through her, Jacqueline begins to learn the language. She writes, “the Spanish she [Maria] speaks like a song/I am learning to sing (“maria” 11-12). Through this new language Jacqueline sees things from a new perspective. The new language she is learning influences how she sees different events because the way in which she thinks of things changes. Woodson’s experience as an African-American changes and broadens her perspective causing this book to be a deserving recipient of the Coretta Scott King Award. Throughout the memoir, Jacqueline represents changes, both in her life and in the nation around her by constantly changing and growing, along with this new society being formed. Overall, readers learn that the experiences that a person has changes that person, both for the better and the