Multiple demographic would be look into and the reason for choosing a multiple segmentation focus is to create a diversification. Kallang Wave Mall is a mall with diversifying attractions, ranging from sporting activities, sporting retail and many other restaurants. By focusing only on a particular demographic, the risk of failure is much higher because only one …show more content…
This target segment can be drawn to the Rock climbing facilities in the mall, other sports facilities outside of the mall, Water Park at the roof garden or even the various fitness event hosts by the mall. The second demographic would generally be housewife due to the availability of our FairpriceXtra outlet that has a unique running track design that spans within the supermarket. This supermarket is remarkably one of the best in Singapore as it holds a wide range of household and grocery products that anyone can find. The last demographic would be for youth since there are a number of fashion retail outlet (namely H&M, CottonOn, etc). The youth make up to majority of the available market as they tend to pursue fashion, gadgets and also their easy accessibility to connect with via social media. The 3 named demographic would make up to majority of the market space thus increasing in our input of patrons to the …show more content…
By introducing to free trial to all first time participants to the ClimbCentral in Kallang Wave Mall, we are able to create an experience for the interested participant to participate to allow for future visits. Distribution of food coupon for some of the fast food restaurant or eating outlet may appeal to the public as well so as to allow the patrons to dine in at our mall. Lastly a sweepstake can take place with the sponsor of FairPriceXtra and other retailing outlets to give back monetary incentive or rewards to the customer so as to increase sales. All this promotional effort is to attract more patrons to visit our mall and participate in all the rewarding promotion so as to increase the sales and future revenue. It is also a case where even if the participant is interested in Rock-climbing, the other outlet may benefit as well since the patrons may need to run some errands or fulfil his/her hunger needs and vice versa for all the other promotion target