Clearly, newspaper articles demonstrate a clear conservative bias simply by how they cover their stories and the derogatory terms they associate with Hillary. On the contrary, Ed Klein provides a more unbiased point of view, “Could Hillary point to any accomplishments during her four years as Secretary of State?”(85). Klein is a reporter first so he asks the questions that many Americans simply do not have the resources to ask. Furthermore, Politico provides strict conservative biased news reporting, they report, “Whereas President Barack Obama has long publically cultivated his geek persona, embracing new technologies, trying new tools and generally trying to prove his tech savvy, Hillary Clinton comes across in the FBI interviews as a disengages tech user who sees the communication tools as little more than a means to an end” (Graff). Some newspapers publish only the information their viewers want to read about which in Politico’s case is conservative. It is clear that organizations are trying to sell their newspapers and appeal to their readers by publishing the Clinton scandal in as many ways as
Clearly, newspaper articles demonstrate a clear conservative bias simply by how they cover their stories and the derogatory terms they associate with Hillary. On the contrary, Ed Klein provides a more unbiased point of view, “Could Hillary point to any accomplishments during her four years as Secretary of State?”(85). Klein is a reporter first so he asks the questions that many Americans simply do not have the resources to ask. Furthermore, Politico provides strict conservative biased news reporting, they report, “Whereas President Barack Obama has long publically cultivated his geek persona, embracing new technologies, trying new tools and generally trying to prove his tech savvy, Hillary Clinton comes across in the FBI interviews as a disengages tech user who sees the communication tools as little more than a means to an end” (Graff). Some newspapers publish only the information their viewers want to read about which in Politico’s case is conservative. It is clear that organizations are trying to sell their newspapers and appeal to their readers by publishing the Clinton scandal in as many ways as