Keyed In
“Keyed in” published by Internet blogger Voxi is a persuasive article regarding the technological boom being experienced by not only today’s youth but by society in general. Published on May 23, 2009 on website Ctrl Alt “Keyed in” Voxi, contends that society and its members should herald the implementation of new technology and welcome it with open arms, contrasting the internet with great historical discoveries such as Darwinism and the reorganisation of the cosmos. The title itself has a double meaning, the first and most obvious of which is the literal keyboard associated with technology and the second refers to those who are keyed in to an ever-changing society and willing to move with it as opposed to be left behind. The article begins with a non-confrontational tone however throughout Voxi begins to show a more compelling tone. Accompanying Voxi’s article is a picture of a human head withholding a microchip that projects multiple layers, the main point of this is to make the reader think about how technology has been embedded into the core of society and implemented into every layer of the world today. Voxi’s contention is pro digital technology and is this is strategically withheld until the 5th paragraph so that readers will read on, curious of the writers contention
Voxi continuously simplifies and exemplifies his arguments through metaphoric language, allowing for readers to fully comprehend his opinion whilst addressing the additional attention required. By contrasting people who embrace technology with “the grit [of] an oyster”, readers are initially made to regard individuals who accept change as stubborn, unwanted members of society. However Voxi diverts this analogy, positively presenting these “gritty people” by explaining how oysters “produce pearls”. Readers are allowed to distinguish the relationship between the beauty of pearls, with the accomplishments of those who wish to make “things better”, evoking