The Lazy Super Parent TAN (LSPTAN) heuristic is a postergated version of the SP-TAN that constructs a Tree Augmented Naive Bayes for each test example. Attributes dependencies are generated based on information from the example that is being classified. To build a lazy version of SP-TAN we adapted the method of evaluation and the selection of candidates for Super Parent and Favorite Children.\looseness=-1
The SP-TAN algorithm exploits accuracy to select a candidate to Super Parent ($a_{sp}$). In our strategy, we select the candidate $a_{sp}$ whose classification model generates …show more content…
Therefore, LSPTAN builds a simpler network than the SP-TAN. We select only the best Super Parent to a test document. But there is no limitation on the choice of the Favorite Children. Thus, all the children attributes that increment the probability that the document belongs to a class, are included in the classification model.\looseness=-1
The LSPTAN heuristic initially builds the model based on Naive Bayes and initializes a set of orphans $O$, inserting into $O$ all the terms of the vocabulary. Then, for each test document, the technique evaluates each term as a Super Parent ($a_{sp}$) and, at the end, it selects as $a_{sp}$ the term that has the highest probability $P(c_i | d_t, a_{sp})$. Thus, the $P(c_i | d_t, a_{sp})$ for a $a_{sp}$ is defined as by the Equation~\ref{eq::lsptan}, where $f$ is the frequency of a term in the document $d_t$.\looseness=-1