The study has been conducted by Orue, Bushman, Calvete, Thomaes, Castro and Hutterman(2011) about the effects of exposure to violence on children’s aggressive behaviour also been published at the science website to interest audience. Orue et al. (2011) indicated that children who are exposed to violence no matter are victimization in media, in school, in neighbourhood and at home or experienced violence themselves will influence their perspective on violence. In this study, Orue et al.(2011) tested the hypothesis that experiencing violence as a victim (eg.“ how often has somebody hit you at home?”) and children who were witnessing violence (eg. “ how often have you seen somebody hitting another person at school?”) will increase the aggressive behaviour of children. The question will be assessed by using 21-item Exposure to Violence Scale. Researches also test the normative aggression beliefs of children by asking some kind of question (eg. “sometimes you have to hit others because they deserve it”) whether the
The study has been conducted by Orue, Bushman, Calvete, Thomaes, Castro and Hutterman(2011) about the effects of exposure to violence on children’s aggressive behaviour also been published at the science website to interest audience. Orue et al. (2011) indicated that children who are exposed to violence no matter are victimization in media, in school, in neighbourhood and at home or experienced violence themselves will influence their perspective on violence. In this study, Orue et al.(2011) tested the hypothesis that experiencing violence as a victim (eg.“ how often has somebody hit you at home?”) and children who were witnessing violence (eg. “ how often have you seen somebody hitting another person at school?”) will increase the aggressive behaviour of children. The question will be assessed by using 21-item Exposure to Violence Scale. Researches also test the normative aggression beliefs of children by asking some kind of question (eg. “sometimes you have to hit others because they deserve it”) whether the