Learning how to find authentic happiness is a difficult lesson to learn, but an important one. It’s a lesson that Morrie taught to Mitch, and one that Mitch wanted to teach to all of us through his writing. We need to have those moments in our lives that give us a real purpose among our neighbors, because no amount of money could buy the feeling that comes when speaking with a long-lost friend, and no status in your occupation can equal giving assistance to a loved one in need. Focusing on the people we love and the kindness we can give to them, instead of the wealth we enjoy temporarily, will bring us far greater happiness than money and power. If we all applied to our lives what Morrie knew and believed in, this world be a much happier place, with a much brighter
Learning how to find authentic happiness is a difficult lesson to learn, but an important one. It’s a lesson that Morrie taught to Mitch, and one that Mitch wanted to teach to all of us through his writing. We need to have those moments in our lives that give us a real purpose among our neighbors, because no amount of money could buy the feeling that comes when speaking with a long-lost friend, and no status in your occupation can equal giving assistance to a loved one in need. Focusing on the people we love and the kindness we can give to them, instead of the wealth we enjoy temporarily, will bring us far greater happiness than money and power. If we all applied to our lives what Morrie knew and believed in, this world be a much happier place, with a much brighter