understand the policy process in the UK.
This essay will attempt to show that multi-layered global governance, supra-national
level governance, national governance, sub-national governance is already a reality for the
citizens of the United Kingdom .There is no longer only one or two levels of government as in
the past – Central Government and local government . 'Government ' is the traditional
understanding of how the UK is governed from Westminster through formal institutions and
elected government. While the nation-state is likely to remain the foremost unit of
government, Devolution and Europeanisation have also emerged and this necessitates an
analyses of government at international, national, sub-national, and local levels.
Rhodes(1997) developed the differentiated polity model as an illustration of the changed
nature of governance in the UK today. Rhodes speaks of the 'hollowing out of the state '
whereby there are many new layers or tiers of governance which affect the policy process
here in the UK and which have diminished the ability of the state to steer or coordinate policy.
Richards and Smith (2002, p15) describe 'governance ' as a label which explains the
changes which have occurred in the policy process in recent years believing that the term
raises awareness of the rise in the diversity of spheres and participants involved in the policy
process. Authoritative decision making is now dispersed across many territorial levels both
upwards and downwards.(Hooghe and Marks, 2001,p11) In today 's world there are many
'actors ' involved in the process of decision making and policy making. Pierre and
Peter (2000,p1) argue that despite the term governance being difficult to define, the
popularity of the concept of governance lies in its ability to encapsulate the wide variety of
institutions and relationships
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