This is when Mond presents the idea: “universal happiness keeps the wheels steadily turning; truth and beauty can’t. (A. Huxley 228)” Mond tells his story of wishing to pursue science and being given a choice of living isolated while being able to pursue that or forgetting about that and being set on a track to be world controller. He chose to become a slave to the needs of society and ignore what had been most important to him as an individual. He cannot be truly happy in his position, but it allows him to sympathize with the others who were in the position he had been in. Mond sends Bernard and Helmholtz to an island while John escapes to an abandoned lighthouse. At this lighthouse he tortures himself for impure thoughts and is harassed by the media for his unusual behavior. This leads to his suicide, which “serves as a final symbol of universal death, or of the ultimate horror of the road civilization must be traveling. (Shmerl 256)” John’s suicide is the final proof that the people in the reservation are not perfect and it is not the ideal society either. This shocking result proves the reservation is primitive in its ways which results in people destroying themselves in fear of affecting others. This connects to Huxley’s idea that man would destroy himself by violence. The reservation used violence to resolve any crime or idea that went against their beliefs, which is where John had received his ideals. It is his violence which attracts the media’s attention towards him which leads to his quick decline and
This is when Mond presents the idea: “universal happiness keeps the wheels steadily turning; truth and beauty can’t. (A. Huxley 228)” Mond tells his story of wishing to pursue science and being given a choice of living isolated while being able to pursue that or forgetting about that and being set on a track to be world controller. He chose to become a slave to the needs of society and ignore what had been most important to him as an individual. He cannot be truly happy in his position, but it allows him to sympathize with the others who were in the position he had been in. Mond sends Bernard and Helmholtz to an island while John escapes to an abandoned lighthouse. At this lighthouse he tortures himself for impure thoughts and is harassed by the media for his unusual behavior. This leads to his suicide, which “serves as a final symbol of universal death, or of the ultimate horror of the road civilization must be traveling. (Shmerl 256)” John’s suicide is the final proof that the people in the reservation are not perfect and it is not the ideal society either. This shocking result proves the reservation is primitive in its ways which results in people destroying themselves in fear of affecting others. This connects to Huxley’s idea that man would destroy himself by violence. The reservation used violence to resolve any crime or idea that went against their beliefs, which is where John had received his ideals. It is his violence which attracts the media’s attention towards him which leads to his quick decline and