Another issue brought in the novel is the fact that all addict would want to get out of the desire to be an addict however, it is not a habit that is easy to change. This is evident when Lee tries to get off the addict using a doctor that deals with control of behaviour.
Interestingly, Burroughs’s vulgar use of language is usually associated with people living in either low class citizens
or people involved in abuse of drugs . The two circumstances have been reflected in the novel because; the author describes the middle class boring which means that they live a life that is not admirable by Lee. In addition, those involved in abuse of drugs usually tend to use any form of language regardless of how the society perceives the language hence being a misfit. Also, it is notable that Lee is involved in criminal and violent activity. This is because, at one point, Lee had shot dead a police officer. Mostly, people involved in drug abuse tend to have violent tendencies and in this case, the author shows that without any apologies of what he does .