Student Names: Fiona Mallon and Hazel Mc Partlan
Course: BA (Hons) in Marketing, Advertising and Online Media
Module: Organisational Behaviour
Submission Date: 11th of April 2013
Word Count: 3218
Total Word Count: 7980
We declare that this work is our own and of the highest academic integrity. Where the work of others has been used, it is properly acknowledged and referenced
Table of Contents
1. Brief History of Genzyme 3 2. Practice of Motivational Theories in Genzyme 4 3. Managing Change in Genzyme 7 4. Team Work Analysis 9 5. References 11 6. Appendices One; Interview Transcript 13 7. Appendices Two; Progress Report One 23 8. Appendices Three; Progress Report Two 25 9. Appendices Four; Progress Report Three 27
1. Brief History of Genzyme
The following is a brief description of Genzyme Corporation. This information provided, combined with the information gathered in the interview is to make and clear and precise report respectively.
Genzyme is a biotechnology company, started in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1981 by Sheridan Snyder, George M. Whitesides and scientist Henry Blair (, 2013) From the offset the company was dedicated to finding cures for enzyme deficiency conditions that were essential for human survival. Genzyme is committed to discovering and delivering transformative therapies for patients with rare and special unmet medical needs, providing hope where there was none before. (, 2013)
From the beginning Genzyme has leveraged their expertise in many therapeutic areas and technology platforms to develop innovative, targeted answers to unmet medical needs worldwide. Although Genzyme aim to treat rare health deficiencies worldwide they have seven main areas in which they are dedicated to. Their primary focus is Genetic Disease, Neurologic Disease, Renal Disease, Orthopaedics, Cardiovascular, Neuroimmunology Disease, and Immune –Medicated disease. Genzyme
References: Adler, N.J. (2002) International Dimensions of Organisational Behaviour, 4th Ed, USA: South Western pp174-182 Bartol, K Bennis, W. (2000) Leadership of Change in Beer, M. and Nohria, N. (Eds) (2000) Breaking the Code of Change, Harvard, USA; Harvard Business School pp113-123 Bennet, R Carnall, C.A. (1995) Managing Change in Organisations, Hertfordshire, England; Prentice Hall Carr, D.K., Hard, K.J, Trahant, W.J Cole, G.A. (1993) Management Theory and Practice, 4th Ed. Channel Island, UK; DP Publications Daft, R.L Finlay, P. (2000) Strategic Management, An Introduction to Business and Corporate Strategy, Essex, England; Pearson Education Genzyme, [ Accessed Online 2 April 2013], Available from Hesselbein, F., Goldsmith, M., Beckhard, R (Eds.) (2000) The Organization of the Future, California, USA; The Drucker Foundation Holmes, T.A Katzenbach, J. R. and Smith, D. K. (1993) The Wisdom of Teams: Creating High Performance Organisation, Harvard, USA; Harvard Business Press Schon, D Tiernan, S. D., Foley, E., Morley, M.J. (1996) Modern Management, Theory and Practise for Irish Students, Dublin, Ireland: Gill & Macmillian 6