This system consist of devices such as smart phone, desktop server with speech recognition(SAPI) connected to each other. Physically disabled people can pass a command through voice for controlling the desktop system, media control such as previousnext, stop, internet surfing such as default browser, type in notepad, basic PC surfing.User can also perform manual operations such as view desktop, view file, control keyboard, control mouse, open file, close file, shutdown the desktop system and file transfer(FTP) and also even sending mail. Also user can use shortcut keys which are created for operations such as copy, paste, delete. Controlling Desktop system through voice using smart phone. Existing system has drawbacks such as: no file transfer(FTP) operation, no SMTP operation, no type on fly operation, only manually controlling desktop, no voice commands were executed or controlled through existing system. Our proposed system is performing the operations such as: file transfer(FTP), sending mail(SMTP), type on fly operation, and also control the desktop through voice and even …show more content…
It is composed of not only an operating system, but also middleware, user interface (UI), browser, and application. It also includes C/C++ libraries that are used in components of various Android systems.
There are enormous projects and initiatives designed that allow remote control between devices even there are some initiatives that aim to control mobile devices but most of them lack in use of open source platform so we present an initiative in open source that covers this particular area of interest. The proposed platform is flexible and scalable.
Android platform allow the development of new idea easily and test them with set of open standard. There are different types of possibilities establishing connectivity between target PC and Mobile phone such as USB interface,Java socket and Android debug bridge client each of them have own consequences.
Google uses artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize spoken sentences, stores voice data anonymously for analysis purposes, and cross matches spoken data with written queries on the