In Patrick Henry’s speech, “Speech to the Virginia Convention”, Henry used logos (using logic to persuade your audience) most effectively by asking delegates logical questions, used reasoning, and widely known facts that are against the British government.
With so many taxes and unreasonable laws
being imposed, the colonists had no say in their representation in British Parliament.
Henry uses facts and also logical,emotional to persuade the people of the Convention (he uses emotion in the way that he makes the colonists think in turn making them angry and upset with britain).
He starts the speech telling the leader of the Convention about his feeling towards freedom and liberty. Henry speaking, “Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense.” (Henry 1) He asks his audience why he should keep his opinions and complaints to himself in fear that others might not agree. (supposed to add another piece of commentary here)
He also speaks of the colonial attempts to reconcile with Britain and resolve their differences, and the lack of response from the British. Henry speaking, “Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love?” (Henry 2). Through this he explains that Britain has responded with force instead of trying to make peace with the colonies. (supposed to add another piece of commentary here)
In Henry’s speech “Speech to the Virginia Convention” he uses logical questions, emotion and ultimately persuades his audience through his passion for the subject.
“Give me liberty or give me death” sums up Patrick Henry’s speech. Throughout the entire speech he talks about personal liberties and representation.