Imagine spending your entire life trapped inside a bubble of antiseptic perfection,with no germs. You would develop a extremely weak immune system when the inevitable exposure to germs occurred you’d become extremely sick. …show more content…
“We have a complicated relationship with bacteria. Being exposed to some kinds is good to us, to others not” states Sarchet she goes on to reveal that diversity to different bacterias may be the key to this issue. Being exposed to various bacterias as a child in order for your body to create a healthy immunization. Another example Sarchet utilizes is a child’s pacifier falling on the ground the mother picking it up washing it with her saliva and giving it back to the infant, in doing this the mother and child are both developing a resistance.The child to things like eczema and asthma, and the mother to dust and dirt. Not only is the child building a strong immunization, but the child is also gaining beneficial organisms from the mother’s saliva. I think this method of exposure is a bit drastic.Overall I’m amazed that an act that most people would condemn as unhealthy and disgusting is actually aiding in both the mother and child’s overall