This will clarify to whom and what value this product provides
In accordance with Cotler's strategic theory, there is a need to identify Segmentation / targeting / positioning
1. Segmentation
Segmentation shows process of dividing a broad customers or business market. There are methods to include behavioral and psychological factors as the optimal targeting method. In the conventional type, the main was demographic aspect for segmentation, medical department and hospital or clinic as concrete examples. Although it is easy to approach these conventional segments, there are indications that the linkage with prescribing behavior is weak, which means …show more content…
This is because by conducting a questionnaire by sales, it is easy to carry out a measurement, and it can also be modified by performing it periodically.
Behavioral aspect:
Quantitatively investigate current prescription motivation and measure affinity to Product X-OD. In addition, in order to satisfy the reliability / reachability, it is defined by the potential (the number of medical patients)
It is important to grasp the number of patients by disease by doctor …show more content…
On the other hand, OD tablets have the potential to alleviate taking difficulties and improve adherence to medications. In addition to the original medicinal effect, Product X-OD realizes ease of taking by OD tablets as product added value. To that end, in addition to normal promotional activities, we will launch after-sales service, website and appeal the usefulness of OD tablets.
National policy decides drugs price uniformly and categorize, generic drugs price would be about 60% of original drugs basically, and the same as other generic drugs. Pharmaceutical companies can adjust supplying price but Towa should maintain it in terms of net sales.
This is defined as the "direct or indirect channels to market, geographical distribution, territorial coverage, retail outlet, market location, catalogues, inventory, logistics and order fulfilment". Direct channel include MR and wholesaler representatives focusing on group A, and both channel can make Towa cover broadly and speedy. Indirect way means web promotion and congress collaboration, so that target all segment to raise awareness and segment change. Commercial program and posters help patient’s awareness improvement. Basically, original system can cover widely and speedy compared to